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Preserving Your Smile
Starts with Your Bone

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Preserving Your Smile
Starts with Your Bone

Your jawbone is the foundation of your smile, acting to anchor and protect your teeth. The aesthetics and function of your teeth and smile depend on having a healthy, strong jaw to support them. If your jawbone begins to deteriorate, it can lead to tooth loss, difficulty with eating and speaking, and a sunken and prematurely aged appearance. Here at ABQ Dental Implant Center, we have found that many patients seeking dental implants have been told that they no longer qualify for this treatment due to severe bone loss. If this has been the case for you, we have good news: Our skilled dentists and team offer multiple solutions for bone loss so that you can regain the healthy supporting bone you need to receive dental implants and restore your smile. Contact us today at 505-705-8808 to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Jacob Rogers or Dr. Ozzie Rodas and learn about our solutions for bone loss in Albuquerque, New Mexico!

Severe Bone Loss Causes

Your tooth roots are firmly embedded in your jaws and help keep the bone healthy through the ongoing stimulation of chewing. Without those roots, the jaw loses its function and can begin to deteriorate in areas where teeth are no longer present. Tooth loss due to decay or oral trauma is a common reason for this. If you have dentures, while they give you back most of your dental function (your diet may be somewhat limited), they don’t replace the tooth roots you’ve lost. Dentures don’t provide protection for your jaws. Advanced gum disease, or periodontitis, is another common cause of bone loss that occurs when the bacteria eat away at the jawbone underneath the gums.

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Severe Bone Loss Solutions

Bone grafting treatments make jawbone loss reversible. With bone grafting, we take bone material samples from you or from a donor source and place them in areas of recession. These materials eventually bond with the existing bone to reestablish strong, full bone volume. With ridge augmentation and ridge preservation, we can use bone graft material to rebuild and reshape your jawbone, returning it to an earlier, healthier state. We can then help you regain your dental function and esthetics with dental implants in Albuquerque, NM.

If your jawbone isn’t wide enough to support dental implants, ridge splitting, or dividing of the jawbone with surgical instruments, can be effective. After separating the jaw’s bony ridge, we can add bone graft material in the middle. Once this material fuses with the existing bone, you end up with a wider, deeper jaw ridge that can hold dental implants securely. Dental implants will not only protect your jawbone from future recession, they’ll vastly improve your confidence and your overall quality of life, enabling you to eat, speak, and smile comfortably again.


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