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Dentistry Without Fear

Dr. Rogers Talks On The Wellness Hour About Sedation Dentistry


Dentistry Without Fear

Many patients avoid dental work for years due to feeling anxious, afraid or just overwhelmed by their dental needs. In fact, fear of the dentist often ranks as one of the most common fears in the world. If you’ve been avoiding dental care, you’re likely living with pain, sensitivity, food limitations and lack of confidence in your smile due to failing and missing teeth. Maybe you’ve decided to settle for ill-fitting dentures because dental implant surgery sounds too intimidating.

Dr. Jacob Rogers and Dr. Ozzie Rodas understand that dental anxiety may be standing between you and the improved quality of life dental implants can deliver. Sedation dentistry may be the perfect solution to help you take back control of your dental health with fear-free dentistry. At ABQ Dental Implant Center, we believe everyone deserves to get the care they need in total comfort and without anxiety. Even for patients who aren’t necessarily afraid of the dentist, sedation can deliver an amazing dental experience. It’s great for patients with a low pain threshold, who have trouble sitting still for long periods in the dental chair, who have a severe gag reflex, who need long or complex treatment, or who have had bad dental experiences in the past. We’re proud to offer a variety of dental anesthesia options appropriate for every need.

We invite you to contact us at 505-705-8808 to learn more about sedation dentistry in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and schedule your personal consultation with our experienced dentists.

The Proof Is In Our Patients

Your Sedation Dentistry Options

Nitrous Oxide Gas

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Nitrous Oxide Gas

Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas” is one of the most common and safest versions of sedation dentistry. In fact, it’s so safe it’s commonly used on children! Nitrous oxide won’t put you completely to sleep. You’ll feel calm and relaxed, but still be alert and responsive throughout your procedure. It can help local dental anesthesia (numbing injections) work better. Nitrous oxide’s effects disappear within minutes of completing your treatment, meaning you’ll be able to drive yourself home and go about your day afterward. Nitrous oxide can also be paired with other dental anesthesia such as oral conscious sedation to amplify their effects.

Oral Conscious Sedation

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Oral Conscious Sedation

Have you ever wished you could take a pill and forget you were at the dental office? With oral conscious sedation dentistry, you can! By administering a carefully calculated dose of medications, we can help you relax in a state of twilight consciousness throughout your treatment. Many patients do nap in the chair, although oral conscious sedation still allows you to stay awake and responsive. Because it takes a while to wear off, you will need a driver to get you home and will likely spend the rest of your day taking it easy.

IV Sedation

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IV Sedation

IV sedation dentistry is vastly superior to other dental anesthesia options because it gives us complete control over your sedation level and can be adjusted moment to moment through the different stages of your treatment. This incredibly safe approach to sedation dentistry allows us to deliver deeper and lighter levels of sedation so that you can sleep through the bulk of your procedure, but then be more alert and responsive if needed.

General Anesthesia

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General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is a profound version of IV sedation dentistry that ensures you’ll stay completely asleep throughout your treatment. We will carefully monitor your blood pressure, respiration, and pulse rate to ensure your safety. Like twilight IV sedation, we will have total control over your level of consciousness and can adjust your level as needed.

Nitrous Oxide Gas


Nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas” is one of the most common and safest versions of sedation dentistry. In fact, it’s so safe it’s commonly used on children! Nitrous oxide won’t put you completely to sleep. You’ll feel calm and relaxed, but still be alert and responsive throughout your procedure. It can help local dental anesthesia (numbing injections) work better. Nitrous oxide’s effects disappear within minutes of completing your treatment, meaning you’ll be able to drive yourself home and go about your day afterward. Nitrous oxide can also be paired with other dental anesthesia such as oral conscious sedation to amplify their effects.

Oral Conscious Sedation


Have you ever wished you could take a pill and forget you were at the dental office? With oral conscious sedation dentistry, you can! By administering a carefully calculated dose of medications, we can help you relax in a state of twilight consciousness throughout your treatment. Many patients do nap in the chair, although oral conscious sedation still allows you to stay awake and responsive. Because it takes a while to wear off, you will need a driver to get you home and will likely spend the rest of your day taking it easy.

IV Sedation


IV sedation dentistry is vastly superior to other dental anesthesia options because it gives us complete control over your sedation level and can be adjusted moment to moment through the different stages of your treatment. This incredibly safe approach to sedation dentistry allows us to deliver deeper and lighter levels of sedation so that you can sleep through the bulk of your procedure, but then be more alert and responsive if needed.

General Anesthesia


General anesthesia is a profound version of IV sedation dentistry that ensures you’ll stay completely asleep throughout your treatment. We will carefully monitor your blood pressure, respiration, and pulse rate to ensure your safety. Like twilight IV sedation, we will have total control over your level of consciousness and can adjust your level as needed.

Every Patient Deserves Great Dentistry Without Fear

Sedation dentistry is an amazing tool to help our patients enjoy dental health without fear. However, not all dentists have the training and expertise to offer sedation anesthesia near you. We believe in the power of dentistry without fear to change lives and help people take back control of their dental health. That’s why we have training in the most up-to-date approaches to sedation dentistry, so we can deliver safe, predictable, and effective dental anesthesia to our patients.

Finances should never stand between you and the care you deserve. Because we want all our patients to enjoy the comfort sedation dentistry can offer, we include the cost of IV sedation in our affordable dental implant package prices. We look forward to giving you better quality of life and a smile you’ll love with anxiety free dentistry!


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